Hello BossMa!

From our Founder's Desk..

I have been an Entrepreneur for 14 years & counting now, in an array of verticals. I took a baby-break for 4 years too, just like you & every other mum I meet. 🙂

As a New Year resolution starting Jan 2020, I upskilled myself in Digital & Social Media Marketing, freelanced with Top Digital marketers, ended up finding a bevy of Educated, previously employed mums, like me who quit jobs to have & raise babies. These mums wanted to start, run or scale businesses from home, go digital with offline businesses, but had no idea where & how to start.

I dived deep into the ecosystem - worked at a social startup, ran bootcamps, trained, mentored and coached 100s of mums to start small businesses.

All the while working on BossMa 🙂 And here we are today and now!

Tell me - how can I support you & your business!

It takes one step. One Courageous Step.
to awaken to your Purpose & Passion.

Do it today. Do it NOW.
Do it for you and your Mighty small Business!

- madhavi Shapeti

Brand BossMa


Ma /Mother who is her Own Boss,
on Her own Terms, at her Own Pace & from her Own home.

Logo in the multiple circles represent not just a BossMa's babies scribbly work, but a community that holds space for her, her aspirations & her dreams. Circles not being too tight or too loose - but just right & comfortable.

Boss in English & Ma in Hindi has been our conscious choice to be inclusive & welcoming of our Mothers in Rural India, without whom, we cannot move forward. We take them along on this passion-profit seeking path.

Crown on the red dot (O) denotes Boss /the Divine Feminine/Shakti,
The easily recognizable red dot (O) represents the Bindi on a Hindu Mother's/Woman's forehead; Also represents

Logo & Brand colours black & red stand for Courage, Confidence, Compassion, Creativity & Curiosity. All critical characteristics necessary for ourselves & each other as we traverse through Motherhood and Entrepreneurship, nurturing & celebrating babies & businesses - every moment, every single day.

Celebrating Babies & Businesses


BossMa Vision

To be #1 platform in mobilizing mothers in Entrepreneurship

BossMa Mission

To provide customers with clarity, comfort and confidence to start small/lean businesses.

BossMa One Big Goal

To positively impact & increase the number of mothers who start & stay in business.

BossMa Strategy

To build BossMa into a ‘household’ brand for Home/Small business Entrepreneruship.

Nurturing Mommies & Their Businesses


As an all-inclusive platform for Mums & women, our Core Philosophy is to educate, enable & empower mothers/ women from all social and economic backgrounds, seeking to start small/home businesses. 

Our Business Promise is to deliver Systematic & Organized Small Business Essentials, serving our customers exceptionally with Value, clarity, comfort and confidence in the Entrepreneurship space. 

"Nothing is more powerful than a woman determined to rise.

Bosa Sebele

Activist, Writer & Attorney at Law